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Home  /  Artworks  /  ANTI-SOCIAL CAR
Anti-social car
Anti-social car
Anti-social car
Anti-social car
Anti-social car
Anti-social Car
Anti-social Car
Anti-social Car
Anti-social Car

Opera Pubblica
Viola Pantano

“Anti-social Car”
4 Panda, lamiere di riuso, abs, plexiglass, pittura mangia-smog (Airlite®), basamento (Reco2+Modul Pavè) 100% riciclato
90 cm x 800 cm x 150 cm
ph. IamEdizioni


“Anti-social Car” è il titolo dell’opera di Viola Pantano per la Villa Comunale di Frosinone, realizzata grazie a “Lazio Contemporaneo” 2020: un bando della Regione Lazio nato per finanziare nuove opere monumentali e semi permanenti di artisti under 35 residenti nel territorio regionale.

L’opera pubblica rimarrà installata per 10 anni nel parco della Villa Comunale. “Anti-social Car” è promossa da ETICAE – Stewardship in Action, dalla piattaforma ADA | Carlotta Mastroianni e curato da Qwatz, contemporary art platform.

L’epidemia di Coronavirus ha segnato profondamente l’umanità, accelerando riflessioni urgenti ed estreme sulla geopolitica, sul clima, sui monopoli e sulla sostenibilità dei modelli socio-economici in atto. In particolare, il distanziamento è stato un’esperienza condivisa da tutta l’umanità, e ha generato diverse riflessioni e ricadute, con un impatto in molti casi devastante.

Viola Pantano crea una futuristica automobile monoposto realizzata partendo dall’assemblaggio della carrozzeria di 4 FIAT modello PANDA, portate allo stato grezzo e poi dipinte con la vernice mangia smog e anti-inquinamento AirLite®.

La storica superutiliaria (simbolo dell’economia del territorio legata da più di 50 anni all’industria automobilistica) viene reinterpretata dall’artista per interrogare l’estetica e l’identità delle relazioni durante e dopo la pandemia di Covid-19. Partendo dai presupposti dell’arte pubblica, l’opera accoglie il visitatore nell’abitacolo e lo coinvolge in una riflessione sull’ambiente, sul distanziamento, sulla discriminazione, sul valore della comunità e sulla differenza. Giocando sull’isolamento reale e virtuale, Viola Pantano propone quindi un dispositivo di relazione per la comunità.

La maggior parte dell’opera è stata realizzata presso RizzaClassic srl – Roma tra il 2022 e il 2022.


“Anti-social Car” is the title that Viola Pantano has given to her artwork, which is to be exhibited at the Villa Comunale in Frosinone, the city’s public park. This original work of art was created thanks to “Lazio Contemporaneo” 2020, a competition sponsored by the Lazio Region to finance new and semi-permanent monuments by artists who are under 35 years of age and reside within the region.

The public artwork will remain on site for 10 years. “Anti-social Car” is promoted by ETICAE – Stewardship in Action, by platform ADA | Carlotta Mastroianni and is supported by Qwatz, a contemporary art platform.

The Coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact on humanity at large. One important aspect has been to spur society to reflect on some pressing issues and extreme views concerning the geopolitics, climate, monopolies and sustainability of our current socio-economic models. In particular, the distancing experienced by all of humankind has generated a series of thoughts and spillover effects that have, in some cases, proved devastating.

Viola Pantano has built  a futuristic car, a one-seater assembled with the body parts of 4 FIAT PANDAS. These have been stripped to bare metal and then coated with AirLite “smog-eating”, anti-pollution paint.

This city car (a landmark vehicle, which has been a symbol of the area’s automobile industry’s economy for the past 50 years) is reinterpreted by the artist as a means to ask probing questions about the aesthetics and the character of relationships during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the premise for public art, the artwork welcomes its viewers into the car interior and engages their attention on the environment, distancing, discrimination, the value of community and difference.

Playing on real and virtual isolation, Viola Pantano comes up with a relationship gadget for the community.

Most of the work was carried out at RizzaClassic srl – Rome between 2022 and 2022.
